Foresight and innovation in
the global hotel industry

DO'S & DON'TS of an open API PMS

Founder, Mews
Richard Valtr darkRichard Valtr light

Across all industries, there’s a consistent move towards cloud-native solutions. Hospitality is no different, and hoteliers are adapting quickly to changing guest habits and expectations.

Migrating to this new generation of technology is only the first step. Once you’ve onboarded with a modern property management system (PMS), it’s important to ensure you’re getting the most from your new smart, connected solution.

This list of dos and don’ts is by no means exhaustive, but it covers some of the most important areas when it comes to your hospitality cloud. Follow these rules, and you’ll ensure your operations see the tangible benefits of cloud-native technology.


  1. Leverage connectivity: free access to a marketplace of the best hotel technology should fill any hotelier with excitement. Build a tech stack that suits your specific business needs.
  2. Test, analyze and repeat: plug-and-play software with no connection fees means you can keep testing to find which integrations work best for you.
  3. Train your teams well: your PMS is only as good as the people using it. Make sure your teams get proper role-based training at the start and regularly refresh their knowledge to stay up to date.
  4. Think about the staff experience: whenever you’re implementing new software, make sure you understand how it works and how it affects those using it. It should always make their role easier, not harder.
  5. Think about the guest experience: likewise, every guest-facing software should streamline or eliminate parts of the guest journey that don’t add value; think waiting in line on arrival or having to ring reception for room service.
  6. Automate wherever you can: the more processes your PMS can handle automatically, the more time your team will have to provide remarkable hospitality for guests.
  7. Utilize mobile access: one of the benefits of a cloud-native PMS is that you can use it from anywhere, including phones and tablets. This flexibility can modernize guest stays and remove the need for intimidating reception desks.
  8. Choose relevant KPIs: industry classics like ADR and RevPAR will only tell you so much, so it might be worth considering more modern, holistic metrics to track like RevPAG (revenue per available guest) and space utilization.
  9. Take security seriously: particularly if you’re taking advantage of open APIs, make sure that high levels of security keep sensitive business and guest data safe.
  10. Integrate payments: a fully integrated payment solution means big time savings for staff and ensures ultra convenience for guests.
  11. Sell throughout the guest journey: a modern PMS makes it easy to maximize revenue at multiple touchpoints with one-click payments, from pre-arrival to check-in to in-house.
  12. Monetize beyond beds: rooms are only one piece of the revenue pie. A powerful and flexible PMS allows you to sell multiple spaces and services within the same platform, from parking spots to meeting rooms.
  13. Personalize your marketing: from pre-arrival emails to chat bots to post-stay comms, create segmented and tailored messaging that gives guests the offers and information they need.
  14. Implement guest feedback tools: there are many great reputation management tools that will help you receive and analyze guest feedback so you can keep improving.
  15. Consider sustainability: cloud-native technology means you can eliminate all paper waste if you choose, and there are also plenty of integrations that can help your eco credentials.


  1. Take on too much at once: with all the industry’s best technology at your fingertips, it can be tempting to connect to everything. Prioritize what’s most important so you don’t overwhelm your team.
  2. Forget about your tech stack: hospitality is changing faster than ever, so keep track of new technology (particularly involving AI) that could make your operations even more efficient.
  3. Rely on your PMS to do everything: the purpose of a PMS is not to reduce your staff – it’s to reduce the burden on them. Your teams still have the most important job: providing personal and remarkable experiences for your guests.
  4. Retain legacy ways of working: some processes are so ingrained that we continue with them even when they become redundant. Fully embrace cloud-native solutions by dropping outdated tasks like the night audit and manual data entry.
  5. Use standard templates everywhere: automated emails for booking confirmation, online check-in and post-stay are a fantastic time saver – just be sure to tweak the copy and any imagery so it creates a cohesive brand experience.
  6. Treat every guest the same: everyone is different. Using personalization will ensure that guests who prefer to self-serve can do so, while your team has more time for those who want a more personal touch.
  7. Ignore feedback: whether you solicit it via post-stay surveys or if a guest offers their comments freely, it’s vital that you respond to feedback. If it’s in a public forum like a review site, be sure to address any concerns in a personal reply.
  8. Disregard the data: working in a cloud-native PMS means you have access to a wealth of data. Don’t let it gather metaphorical dust: automate key reports straight to your inbox.
  9. Overlook proper access rights: there's a lot going on in a modern PMS, and not every employee needs access to every part of the system. Role-based access enhances security.
  10. Fail to communicate changes: if there’s a new feature you’re trying or if you’re changing processes in any way (even just to eliminate something unnecessary), make sure everyone on your team knows about it.
  11. Neglect data security: slack security measures can lead to data breaches and a loss of trust. All your technology, including API and integration connections, should be of the highest standard.
  12. Skip release notes: cloud-native solutions mean that feature updates and new products can be released without any downtime; read all the release notes as there may be new functionality that will transform your operations.
  13. Rush your decision: if you’re choosing a new PMS, take the time to research thoroughly and consult key stakeholders across the business.
  14. Be obsessed with competitors: your property is unique. Don’t try to imitate what other hotels are doing; be guided by your own brand values and you’ll provide more authentic experiences.
  15. Think only in terms of rooms: overnight guests will remain the bulk of your business, but your local neighborhood can also play a big role in your success. Embrace the community to diversify revenue and broaden your customer base.


Embracing a cloud-native, API-first PMS brings a plethora of benefits. By customizing the system to meet your specific needs, integrating it seamlessly with other critical tools, and leveraging its automation and data analytics capabilities, you can significantly enhance your hotel’s operational efficiency and boost guest satisfaction.

The key to success lies in not only choosing the right PMS, but also in ensuring that your staff is well-equipped to use it effectively. Regularly monitor performance metrics, stay updated with the latest software enhancements, and always be open to feedback from staff and guests.

You may find that as you use your hospitality cloud more effectively, you interact with it less on a day-to-day basis. This is the true power of automation: more time to spend providing remarkable experiences to guests.